We had
so many doe kids this year and Nicola did not
get her chance in the show ring or get a picture
taken. Nicola is all black in color and is a
correct doe with a nice escutcheon area, nice
width between the rear legs and correct rear leg
set. She is reasonably level but being a late
kid and all black in color she just didn't float
to the top of her pen - yet! What is exciting is
her dam, Grazie. Grazie has a beautiful udder,
is a daughter of Kryptonite, and was a member of
our winning Senior Get of Sire entry at the 2021
Nebraska State Fair.
Nicola will be our first Quincy daughter to
freshen so we are excited to see what she looks
like in 2023. She will be bred to Jukebox for
March/April kids. |